About the provider
At the heart of our school are the children. Havelock North is a special place, nestled at the foot of iconic Te Mata Peak, in as stunning part of 爆走黑料. We are lucky and proud to be the school that鈥檚 right here in the midst of Havelock North 鈥 a great little village.
Our school is a community of learners who respect and value each other and our place in Havelock North, our environment and the wider world.
As a school we want to empower the students to explore, make mistakes and learn from these, plus develop social skills 鈥 alongside the more obvious teaching in reading, writing and maths. By the time the children leave HNPS our aim is to have enabled them to move confidently into the wider world with a range of life skills and a lifelong love of learning.
The schools Motto: T奴 Mana. T奴 Kaha. T奴 Tangata, loosely translated into English means: Stand Proud. Stand Strong. Stand Together. These are powerful messages which we want everyone to identify with. They link intricately to the Values listed below. To have a deliberate M膩ori influence within our school statement sends a powerful message to everyone: it acknowledges the importance of the M膩ori culture and enables everyone to identify with this, irrespective of their cultural background. This is a positive step for the school 鈥 one we can embrace and feel proud of.
The school Values are: Respect, Relationships, Responsibility, and Resilience. Our logo is a current reflection of 鈥榰s鈥 as a school and a community, and links to the school motto. It tells a story about who we are and about our place in the wider Havelock North community.
Havelock North Primary School
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