About the provider
Cotswold M膩t膩hae School has a proud tradition of providing a quality, innovative education programme for Year 0 to Year 6 children (ages 5-11 years). Our students are at the centre of all that we do and are challenged to achieve to their full potential in an atmosphere which promotes learning, success and achievement as well as fair and equal opportunities.
With a dedicated team of experienced educators, we provide a safe and supportive environment where students can thrive academically and personally. We offer a range of academic, cultural, sporting and other extracurricular activities to ensure that children can participate in, and experience success in a range of areas.
Our high expectations for learning and behaviour, alongside our school values of Caring, Communicating and Challenging support the positive, inclusive environment that we create.
We are a community taking a shared responsibility for our students, extending their horizons by providing an innovative and vibrant learning environment, encouraging them to be enterprising and make positive contributions to society. Cotswold learners will be respectful students who communicate effectively, are risk takers and thinkers who are actively involved in their learning and the community.
Cotswold M膩t膩hae is located in Bishopdale, close to the airport and only about 15 minutes from the city centre and close to many activities and opportunities Christchurch has to offer.
Cotswold Matahae School
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