ACG Strathallan

About the provider

One of NZ's largest independent school complexes, welcomes local and international students from:

  • Infant Centre and Kindergarten (ages 3 months to 5 years)
  • Primary School (Years 1 to 6; ages 5 to 10) and
  • College (Years 7 to 13; ages 11 and over).

ACG Strathallan is a top quality educational facility, located on the beautiful Hingaia Peninsula, in a scenic suburb of Auckland. The spacious campus area provides a green and healthy environment with excellent premises, sports facilities and playing fields. The blend of modern, high-tech learning centres and beautiful coastal countryside creates the perfect environment for young people to develop to their full potential. ACG Strathallan School and College offer full English language support to international students.


ACG Strathallan

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