Waikato-Tainui Doctoral ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
Scholarship details
Study levels | Doctoral Degree |
Occurrence | 3 years |
About the scholarship
The Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust manages and distributes income for the collective benefit of approximately 49,000+ registered Waikato-Tainui tribal members.Income is distributed in the areas of education, health and well-being, Marae, social and cultural development.
How To Apply
pplication guidelines and form can be downloaded from the link provided below. A personal statement is required to support every application. An applicant must provide a minimum of 100 words, outlining their current involvement with their Marae / iwi, and their intended contribution to Marae / iwi in the future. This statement will be forwarded to the respective Marae Committee. Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc Doctoral Scholarship Additional information: Applications will only be accepted from registered tribal members.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be registered Waikato-Tainui tribal members who are resident and studying in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. Preference will be given to topics of study which are assessed as having relevance toward tribal objectives as set out in Whakatupuranga 2050. Topics should relate in some way to the four strategic objectives of W2050; Kiingitanga Tribal Identity and Integrity Tribal Success; and Tribal Social and Economic Wellbeing.