This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Marion Cunningham Memorial Fund

by ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Veterinary Association

Scholarship details

Marion Cunningham Memorial Fund
Study levels Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Value maximum of $2700
Length Not specified.
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Thursday, 31 October 2019

About the scholarship

Marion Cunningham provided a bequest to the Wildlife Society of the NZVA with the wish that it be used to promote work on the preservation of endangered species of wildlife. Funds will be awarded up to an annual maximum of $2700. The successful recipient will also receive registration to the annual WLS conference, provided they present on their use of the fund.

Entry requirements

The project is compatible with one or more of the major objectives of the Society, which are:

  1. To enhance veterinary contributions to the welfare and management of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ's wildlife and to support research in this field.
  2. To promote communication among both veterinarians and non-veterinarians with expertise in wildlife management and research.
  3. To provide the N.Z.V.A., when possible, with technical and other information on wildlife.
  4. To encourage conservation, especially by veterinary contributions to the management of threatened species.

• The project is practicable and relevant to current wildlife concerns. • The information provided indicates that the applicant will be able to carry out the work competently and satisfactorily document the results. • Applications must be approved by the supervisor of the project, who will be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of the grant given are met. • It is the responsibility of grant-holders to ensure that they have the appropriate permits approved by regulatory bodies such as the Department of Conservation and relevant Animal Ethics Committees, etc. • All grant monies must be spent within ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, even if the study has an overseas component. • Each grant is given for a one-year period and cannot be carried-forward to a subsequent year. • If the grant is not able to be spent on the approved project, the Wildlife Society must be notified as soon as possible and unspent funds returned. • The recipient will submit a project summary and financial accounting on the use of the funds within twelve (12) months of receipt of the grant. • The recipient will submit a report suitable for publication in Kokako (the Bulletin of the N.Z.V.A. Wildlife Society) within 15 months of receipt of the grant. • The recipient will receive a complementary 3-day registration to the WLS annual conference, excluding workshops and field trips, provided the recipient provides a presentation on their use of the fund. • The Society should like recipients of grants to publish their findings in a scientific journal, if possible. • All publications arising from the project should acknowledge the Marion Cunningham Memorial Fund. • Only applications received by midnight on the due date will be considered.