This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Fuji Xerox Masters Scholarship in Computer Science

by Fuji Xerox

Scholarship details

Fuji Xerox Masters Scholarship in Computer Science
Study levels Postgraduate, Master's degree
Value $25,000 to cover stipend and fees
Length One year.
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Thursday, 31 October 2019

About the scholarship

Fuji Xerox has established a research scholarship as part of a five year partnership with Victoria University to support Masters' students in Computer Science where the proposed area of study has commercial potential.

How To Apply

Applicants will complete the online applications by the closing date. No late applications will be accepted.

Entry requirements

• The scholarship shall be open to top students intending to do Masters in Computer Science. • Their proposed area of study should have commercial potential. • They should be able to show evidence of some hardship preventing them from pursuing study.