CPA Australia Advanced Tax Student of the Year Prize
Scholarship details
Study levels | Undergraduate |
Value | $500 plus funded admission to CPA Congress |
Length | Prize |
Enrolment status | Full-time |
About the scholarship
A Prize for the full-time student who achieved the highest mark in COMLAW 311.The CPA Australia Advanced Tax Student of the Year Prize was established in 2017 by CPA Australia, the professional body for Chartered Public Accountants in Australia and ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. CPA Australia has a keen interest in the education and practice of tax law by certified public accountants in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.The main purpose of the Prize is to encourage students who wish to specialise in tax practice.
How To Apply
You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee.
For more information about the awarding process for this scholarship, award or prize, download a copy of the regulations.
Entry requirements
The Prize will be awarded annually to the full-time student enrolled in a Bachelor of Commerce who achieves the highest mark in COMLAW 311 Advanced Taxation.