R S Components Prizes - The University of Auckland

Scholarship details

R S Components Prizes - The University of Auckland
Study levels Undergraduate
Value $500 voucher valid for the purchase of any items from the current RS Components catalogue
Length Prize

About the scholarship

Prizes for the students who achieved the highest results in the project course of the BE(Hons) Part IV in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

How To Apply

You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee.

For more information about the awarding process for this scholarship, award or prize, download a copy of the regulations.

Entry requirements

Prizes will be awarded annually, one each to the two students attaining the highest results in the Project course of the Part IV year of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) programmes in Electrical and Computer Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering.