This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

HRC Foxley Fellowship
Value Up to $80,000. Maximum $60,000 salary and $20,000 working expenses.
Length Duration is up to one year full-time or two years for part-time.
Close date Friday, 28 June 2019

About the scholarship

Our Foxley fellowship provides a salary to enable a health sector professional to undertake a research sabbatical at a tertiary institution. It aims to enhance links between HRC-funded research and health care delivery or health policy. The fellowship is available for up to one year full-time or two years part-time. The value of the fellowship equates (pro rata) to the applicant’s base salary and up to $20,000 per annum per 1.0 full-time equivalent as research expenses.

How To Apply

Firstly, you'll need to register your intention to submit an application for this fellowship and then complete your registration online via HRC Gateway. After registration, you'll need to submit a full application online via HRC Gateway using the templates provided below. The final step is to send a hardcopy of your full application to the HRC.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for this fellowship, you'll need to have a minimum of five years’ experience within the health sector (for example, as a health professional engaged in clinical or non-clinical work, a health sector manager or a policy analyst) and be able to commit to a minimum of 0.2 full-time equivalents. If you're a full-time academic or another professional not employed in the health sector, you're not eligible for this particular fellowship.