This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Elizabeth Jean Trotter Postgraduate Research Travelling Scholarship in Biomedical Sciences

Scholarship details

Elizabeth Jean Trotter Postgraduate Research Travelling Scholarship in Biomedical Sciences
Value Up to NZ$5,000
Length The scholarship must be taken up within one year of being awarded.
Open date Friday, 1 January 2010
Close date Friday, 1 January 2010

About the scholarship

The Elizabeth Jean Trotter Postgraduate Research Travelling Scholarship in Biomedical Sciences was established to support travel to a conference, workshop, or laboratory for postgraduate students undertaking research in Biomedical Sciences.

How To Apply

Every applicant must submit: ? A completed application form detailing the purpose of, and benefits expected to result from, the proposed travel ? A letter of support from the candidate’s primary supervisor, addressing the candidate’s work to date and the value of the chosen conference, workshop, or laboratory visit, to the candidate. ? A brief Curriculum Vitae. ? Title of proposed oral presentation or poster at the chosen conference (if applicable).

Entry requirements

Applicants must be:

enrolled for a PhD or in the research year of a Master’s programme with primary supervision in the Otago School of Biomedical Sciences (BMS) undertaking research in a Biomedical Sciences field Downloads