Pūhoro & Trimble He Pūmanawa, He Pitomata Scholarship
Scholarship details
Study levels | Bachelor's Honours, Bachelor's Degree, Diploma (Level 5-6) |
Value | 10000.00 |
Open date | Monday, 7 October 2024 |
Close date | Thursday, 31 October 2024 |
Ethnicities | Māori |
Domestic/international | Domestic Only |
About the scholarship
As part of our ongoing partnership with global industrial technology company, Trimble, we are excited the launch the inaugural He P奴manawa, He Pitomata Scholarship.
The scholarship was designed to alleviate the financial pressure of tertiary studies for rangatahi M膩ori who are passionate about pursuing a career in the fields of employment Trimble serves.
He P奴manawa, He Pitomata is part of a range of rangatahi support services that Trimble will work with P奴horo to provide including internships and excursions to Trimble's offices. The partnership seeks to build long-term relationships with rangatahi and connect them into Trimble's employment pathways. P奴horo is proud to partner with an organsiation that is committed to creating more employment opportunities for rangatahi in STEMM.
The name He P奴manawa, He Pitomata - where talent exists, so too does the seed of greatness reflects the likeness between the seed and the role of wh膩nau, whenua and wai in nurturing and guiding. With the right guidance and support, it blossoms into mana, enriching not just the individual but the wh膩nau, hap奴, iwi and future generations. However talent alone is only potential. Without the effort and hard work, potential remains unrealised.
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide the nurturing to help bring the potential of the tauira to life!
Number of scholarships available: 2
Value of each scholarship: $10,000
Tenure: 2025 Academic Year
Applications open: Monday 7 October, 2024
Applications close: Thursday 31 October, 2024
Entry requirements
Study institutes: Applications are open to tauira studying at any tertiary institute in Aotearoa.
Study level: Tauira must be studying at an undergraduate level.
Area/s of study:
- Computer science
- Software engineering
- Mechatronics
- Geology
- Mechanical engineering
- Geography
- Mathematics
- Surveying
- Electrical engineering
- Architecture
- Computer science
- Registered with P奴horo's Te Urunga Pae programme, or willing to register with P奴horo upon acceptance of scholarship.
- Whakapapa M膩ori.
P奴horo participation conditions:
- Attend P奴horo 奥腻苍补苍驳补 (3 per year) and 奥腻苍补苍驳补 P奴rau (1 per year) events as a volunteer.
- Submit academic grades at the end of each semester.
- Partake in interviews, media stories, and communications regarding you and your study. 鈥
Applications from Year 13 students are welcome - however you must provide proof of enrolment for the 2025 academic year.