CBRE Trevor Kitchin Memorial Scholarship Rural Land and Property

Scholarship details

CBRE Trevor Kitchin Memorial Scholarship Rural Land and Property

About the scholarship

The CBRE Trevor Kitchin Scholarship is specifically aimed at assisting rural talent in LU property studies while memorialising Trevor and his immense contribution to the rural property industry.

CBRE is one of the largest real estate firms in the world with over 100,000 employees in 480+ offices in over 100 countries. CBRE (including Telfer Young from CBRE) employs over 390 people across 19 locations in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ providing the full range of real estate services including valuation, agency, agri-services, debt and equity, property management, research, building depreciation & cost consultancy, structured transactions & advisory services and marketing.