Stocker ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ

Scholarship details

Stocker ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
Value Up to $5,000

About the scholarship

EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPThese grants offer research support for postgraduate students attending the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University, undertaking conservation or environmental related projects in Canterbury.   The grants are intended to help with, for example, the purchase of equipment, costs of laboratory tests or travel to carry out field work.   Please send one page describing your project as an attachment. Include its aims and how you will use any grant from the Stocker fund. Please also supply details of costs. See guidelines below.   Value: Up to $5000 Tenure: One year Closes: 31st October 2020 NB. There is no specific application form for this award. Normally two scholarships are awarded in total $5000   For further information contact North Canterbury Branch, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc.   Ainslie Talbot: [email protected] or Frances Wall: [email protected] Disclaimer: This is an external scholarship that UC does not administer. We are simply advertising this scholarship for the administrator as it may be of benefit to UC students. If you have any further questions please contact the administrator on the emails above for more information.