John Waller Memorial Scholarship (School-Leaver Scholarship)

Scholarship details

John Waller Memorial Scholarship (School-Leaver Scholarship)
Value $6,000 per annum + mentorship + summer internships + consideration for employment

About the scholarship

This scholarship is not currently available in the UC School-Leaver ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ 2023 application round. This information will be updated if confirmation is received that it is available for tenure in 2023.The purpose of this scholarship is to support undergraduate students in Criminal Justice, Commerce, Law, and Science at the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits:a. Financial assistance at a value of $6,000 per annum for 3 years; andb. An offer of mentorship from BNZ or PwC, or both, for the term of the scholarship; andc. An offer of two paid summer internship opportunities during the term of the scholarship - one with BNZ and one with PwC; andd. Consideration for an offer of employment with BNZ or PwC on graduation from the programme for which the scholarship was awarded Level of Study: School Leaver (First year undergraduate) Closing Date: 11:59 pm (NZT) 15 August (Applications open approximately 8 weeks before this date) Tenure: Three years Number Available Annually: Three Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: The scholarship is tenable during full-time enrolment in the first year of one of the following degree programmes and majors: ? Bachelor of Criminal Justice (BCJ) ? Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) with a major in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Business Economics, International Business, Management, Marketing, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, or Taxation and Accounting? Bachelor of Environmental Science with Honours (BEnvSci(Hons))? Bachelor of Science (BSc) with a major in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, Environmental Science, Finance, Financial Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or Statistics ? Bachelor of Laws (LLB)Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Must be a citizen of Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, or hold an Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ residence class visa For more information, please read the regulations for this award: click here.Selection will be based on:personal or financial circumstances restricting an applicants ability to enter tertiary education; andacademic achievement; andlocation of the applicant's last year of secondary study. Preference will be given to those who studied on the West Coast; South Islanders from other regions will be given second preference; and those from other parts of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ will be given third preference; andleadership potential (determined during in-person interview); andinvolvement in community or cultural activities (determined during in-person interview).The Bank of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ (BNZ) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), on behalf of the family of John Waller ONZM, BCom, FCA, established the scholarship in 2017 to honour the values and professional contribution of Mr Waller. Mr Waller was a respected businessman, director, and insolvency expert. He grew up on the West Coast of the South Island, graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from University, and lived in Auckland during his professional life. John Waller died in September 2016.