Economic Society Prize

Scholarship details

Economic Society Prize
Value $200
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

The prize recognises 300-level Economics students at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | the University of Canterbury.Value/Benefits: $200Level of Study: Undergraduate Closing Date: Application not required Tenure: Not applicable Number Available Annually: One Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Not applicable Citizenship/Residency Requirements: Not applicable For more information, please read the regulations for this award: click here.This prize was originally created (in 1971) and funded by the Canterbury Branch of the Economic Society of Australia and ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, which has since been dissolved. It is now funded by the Department of Economics and Finance of the University in recognition of the long history of the prize and its noteworthy winners.