Commonwealth Scholarship to United Kingdom

Scholarship details

Commonwealth Scholarship to United Kingdom
Value Varies
Domestic/international Both domestic and international

About the scholarship

Commonwealth ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ for PhD and split-site PhD study in the UK are offered for citizens of developed Commonwealth countries (Australia, The Bahamas, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Cyprus, Malta and ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ). These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) with the aim of supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.Applicable scholarships are available through the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK. A link to their website can be found below.The value, tenure, citizenship requirements, and availability vary, depending on the scholarship. Please refer to the CSC website for further details about each scholarship.