Aruhiko � Power Engineering Excellence Trust Undergraduate Scholarship (School-Leaver Scholarship)

Scholarship details

Aruhiko � Power Engineering Excellence Trust Undergraduate Scholarship (School-Leaver Scholarship)
Value $3,000

About the scholarship

To apply for this scholarship, please use the UC School-Leaver ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ 2023 application form. Applications open 20 June 2022 and close 15 August 2022. The purpose of this scholarship is to support and promote study in the BE(Hons) programmes at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. Second Year+ students please refer to the scholarship listing marked as (Non School-Leavers).Value/Benefits: Financial assistance at a value of $3,000 (UC BE(Hons) students only)Level of Study: School Leaver (First year undergraduate) Closing Date: 11:59 pm (NZT) 15 August (Applications open approximately 8 weeks before this date) Tenure: One year Number Available Annually: Up to eight scholarships for school-leaver applicants Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: The scholarship is tenable during full-time enrolment in a first year of a programme for a BE(Hons) at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. Recipients who hold the scholarship in First Year must be enrolled in the required courses for students who will be specialising in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringCitizenship/Residency Requirements: Must be a citizen of Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ or hold an Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ residence class visaFor details, please read the regulations for this award: click here.Applicants must have never been enrolled in a degree programme at any tertiary institute.Selection will be based on:quality of achievement at NCEA Level 2, or equivalent qualifications for admission to Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury (approximately 30% weighting);demonstrated commitment to, or interest in, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and electric power engineering, indicating potential to contribute to the electric power engineering industry in Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ (approximately 40% weighting); andgeneral character, leadership potential, and communication and social skills (approximately 30% weighting).Preference may be given:to those who have financial hardship; and/orto support efforts towards improving gender equity; and/orto those whose last location of secondary education was in a region associated with an additional scholarship funded by a member of Aruhiku - Power Engineering Education Trust.The mission of the Aruhiko ? Power Engineering Education Trust (PEET) is to empower those who will shape Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ?s energy future. PEET is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2002 by industry and academia to ensure a pipeline of Power Engineering talent. PEET activities are supported and administered by the Electric Power Engineering Centre (EPECentre), our student interface located at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. A way in which PEET is empowering the next generation in the study of Power Engineering is by offering scholarships. PEET first established undergraduate scholarships in 2003 for students at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. The scholarship?s regulations evolved to fit new requirements. For instance, in 2018 PEET decided to promote gender equity through the scholarship in order to meet and sustain future engineering needs of the power industry. This also aligns with the objectives of The Diversity Agenda, of which Te R?ngai P?kaha | UC College of Engineering is a founding partner. In 2019, PEET decided to allow for the possibility of preference being given to those who have financial hardship, and to modify the programme so that, every year, students have to reapply and thereby prove their continued commitment to, and interest in, Power Engineering. In 2021, PEET decided to replace that UC Electric Power Engineering Centre Scholarship with this scholarship, in order to directly acknowledge the financial contribution made by PEET industry members. This new scholarship also opened PEET scholarships to application by Te Whare W?nanga o T?maki Makaurau University of Auckland third-year students in Power Engineering. In 2021, the scholarship scheme was expanded to allow support of students by individual PEET member organisations.