Scholarship details

The Influence Scholarship
Value 60% toward selected programmes
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Influence Scholarship is offered to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents working in 2022 who have been impacted by the recent events of the pandemic and/or are wanting to influence positive change in Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏCover 60% of the full fees for any of the programmes:Postgraduate Certificate in Digital TransformationData Essentials 1 Micro-credentialData Essentials 2 Micro-credentialDigital Transformation Micro-credentialDesign Thinking Micro-credentialInfluence scholarships are available to anyone working in any type of organisation – in both paid and volunteer work. Organisations can include:For-Profit Businesses – e.g., corporates, SMEs, sole traders, PTEs, business organisations etc.Government Organisations – e.g., government agencies and departments, crown entities, schools, tertiary institutions, local government, CCOs, community boards etc.Not-for-Profit Organisations: e.g., social enterprises, charities, NGOs, community groups etc.Maori & Pacific Organisations: e.g., iwi, hapu, mana whenua, Maori and Pacific community support & cultural groups etc.Individuals: e.g., self-employed, volunteers, retirees, mentors, community workers etc.

How To Apply

Complete the application and declaration for your chosen programme or micro-credential via the MDS website before applying for the scholarship.

Submit your scholarship application to [email protected] at least 2 weeks before the start of your programme or micro-credential, including a video link or written response to the following:
  • How you have been impacted by the pandemic and/or how you wish to influence positive social, cultural, environmental, economic, health & wellbeing or educational change in Aotearoa, ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.
  • Evidence of current work or projects underway in their business or organisation and how the chosen programme or micro-credential could improve the success of that work or project.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for the Influence Scholarship, applicants must be able to demonstrate they:Are NZ citizens or permanent residents. (International students are not eligible to apply)Meet the entry criteria for the selected programme or micro-credentialAre working in industryAre able to successfully address the selection criteriaApplicants need to show that their roles within the organisation can influence positive change in Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ in at least one of these areas:Social – promoting and enabling social connections and support for people, groups and communities – especially for those in need.Cultural – supporting and promoting cultural awareness, diversity and inclusion – including the integration of Matauranga, Kaupapa and Te Ao Maori values and principles, and Te Reo.Environmental – engaged in sustainable practices to protect and restore the natural environment – including the reduction of emissions, mitigating the effects of the climate crisis and cleaning up of waterways.Economic – improving the economic situation of Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and all its people – including reducing inequality and poverty.Health & Wellbeing – improving and promoting the physical and mental health and wellbeing for people, groups and communities.Education – improving life-long learning, training and upskilling outcomes and opportunities for all the people of Aotearoa ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ â€“ at any stage of their life.