This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Sustainable Building Research ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ

Scholarship details

Sustainable Building Research ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
Value $5,000
Open date Friday, 1 January 2010
Close date Friday, 1 January 2010

About the scholarship

Background These scholarships have been created to support highly motivated practitioners and entrepreneurs who are looking to create solutions related to sustainable building. It also functions to support industry need for innovation and development in sustainability by developing relationships with research, business and community. One scholarship is available for an individual to support study related costs. If you think you may be interested in pursuing research in this area, we can help guide you. Contact Gregor Steinhorn. Applications closed for 2018 Eligibility To be eligible for one of these course-related scholarships, applicants must meet all of the following criteria: Plan to commence a research thesis at Unitec Institute of Technology of at least 90 credit Start your research in 2018 Your research topic must be related to sustainable building (see below for some examples) Selection Selection and awarding of scholarships will be based on: Meeting the eligibility criteria as above Agreement to terms and conditions of receiving the scholarship Degree to which your research is related to and contributes to sustainable building Unitec's ability to provide appropriate supervision expertise 1 scholarship awarded per person We are currently open for applications. Applications will be assessed and awarded in the order they are received providing the application successfully meets the eligibility and selection criteria. Further questions or to apply If you'd like to explore your options for research, postgraduate study, or scholarships and funding we'll be happy to discuss this with you. Contact us or apply now Examples Sustainable building issues and research can transcend industry and subject. It may relate to construction, landscape, environment, commercialisation, business, design, etc, or be across a number of these or other areas. Two examples of research related to sustainable building by Unitec students include: Aziz Ahmad - Unitec Engineering Lecturer Aziz Ahmad is working on the development of advance controllers for energy efficient smart homes. These controllers give intelligence to the solar panel system, making sure power is being used efficiently across all electrical appliances in the building, reducing the need to draw on expensive mains power. Vandita Ahlawat - Unitec student Vandita based her research on land optimisation for maximum solar exposure. This is for landscape architecture to increase the solar efficiency of buildings. Other areas of research that would be funded by these scholarships could include but is not limited to: Service design for co-housing projects Environmental engineering solutions for cleaning up stormwater Real life Lego for sustainable modular housing solutions for urban development Solar electricity leasing options/commercialisation Predictive sustainability modelling in urban development Smart homes Renewable energy / sustainable energy If you'd like to explore these or other ideas in sustainable building or related funding, contact Gregor Steinhorn. Research at Unitec How Tuapapa Rangahau Reseach and Enterprise help our Unitec research students: Research and career guidance Potential industry partnering Commercialisation and IP advice Outcomes with Impact: At Unitec, we are all about applied research; we work with you to develop meaningful research outcomes that positively impact an individual, business, community, industry and/or wider. Transdisciplinary support: Research related to sustainable buildings is by nature transdisciplinary. Tuapapa Rangahau and the Unitec Masters programmes encourage and support research that expands beyond disciplinary boundaries, to allow you to bring methods and theories from multiple disciplines. By doing so you can create richer contexts, give more depth to your study, and identify and develop solutions for complex problems. More information Click below for more information on these related topics, or contact Research Partner - Gregor Steinhorn at any time for queries or discuss your options. Our latest research Research and Enterprise Office Postgraduate programmes at Unitec

Entry requirements

Awards for Postgraduate