This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

Unitec Study Grants
Value Up to $500
Open date Friday, 1 January 2010
Close date Friday, 1 January 2010

About the scholarship

The Unitec Study Grant is available for current students who are facing financial difficultiy and finding it hard to come up with the additional costs needed for essential course related costs/materials. This could include photocopying and printing costs, textbooks, travel costs to practicums, specialised equipment for your course. Students can apply for an amount up to $500. Grants are not available for tuition fees, day-to-day travel, or living costs. How to apply Make an appointment with a Student Support Advisor (Please book an appointment at the Ask Me desk in Te Puna (Building 180) or the Unitec Library at Waitakere campus) Complete the Financial Assistance Application form at your appointment You will also be required to Bring bank statements for the four weeks leading up to the application Provide proof of course related costs Provide written quotes for course materials. (Please contact [email protected] for a list of our preferred vendors first)