This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Chillisoft Scholarship in Cybersecurity - The University of Auckland

Scholarship details

Chillisoft Scholarship in Cybersecurity - The University of Auckland
Study levels Bachelor, Undergraduate, Honours, Postgraduate, Masters
Value $5,000
Length One year
Open date Friday, 1 January 2010
Close date Friday, 1 January 2010

About the scholarship

A $5,000 Scholarship for international and domestic, undergraduate or postgraduate, full-time or part-time enrolment in the Faculty of Science in study relating to Cybersecurity.

How To Apply

Scholarship applications will usually open around six weeks before the closing date. Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply.

What you receive


Entry requirements

The Scholarship may be awarded to a student enrolled full-time or part-time at the University of Auckland in a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science conjoint degree, a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) degree, a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree, a Postgraduate Diploma in Science, a Master of Science or a PhD, specialising in Computer Science. The Scholarship is tenable by international or domestic students. The basis of selection will be academic merit as assessed as a Scholarship grade point average (GPA) or grade point equivalent (GPE) obtained over the applicant’s most recent two years of full-time graded study (or equivalent) and demonstrated interest in the study of Cybersecurity, as evidenced by enrolment in courses relating to Cybersecurity and/or carrying out research relating to Cybersecurity, and a written statement. Successful applicants will have a minimum GPA/GPE of 7.00 (6.50 for Maori or Pacific candidates).