Scholarship details

Maxwell Walker Memorial Award
Study levels Undergraduate, Bachelor, Honours, Postgraduate, Master
Value Up to $1,500

About the scholarship

A Scholarship for students with parents born in the British Commonwealth who are enrolled in the final year of a BA, a BA(Hons) or MA majoring in French. This Scholarship was established in memory of Professor Maxwell Walker,Professor of Modern Languages at Auckland University College from 1909 to 1940. Professor Walker was particularly interested in the welfare of students and in the study of the French language.The Scholarship fund was substantially augmented by provision under the will of the late Miss Dora Miller, a former Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages during Professor Walker’s Headship of the Department. The Trust is administered by the ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Guardian Trust Company Ltd, Auckland.

How To Apply

We recommend you check the form early in case a reference or endorsement is required to support your application, and to familiarise yourself with the form. All sections (including request sections) must be completed by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.

What you receive

Up to $1,500

Entry requirements

The Scholarship will be open to students who intend to proceed at the University of Auckland to the final year of a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or to a Master of Arts degree in French. Every applicant must be of British Commonwealth-born parents and must have received his or her secondary education in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. No application will be received from any person who in the opinion of the Council (whose decision will be final) is a subject or national of any state with which ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ is at war or who is unwilling to promise to serve Queen and Country if called upon in time of national peril