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New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura Second-Chance Education Study Awards

Scholarship details

New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura Second-Chance Education Study Awards
Study levels Foundation/Diploma and Undergraduate
Value Foundation/Diploma Studies Awards ($1,000 - $1,400) Degree Study Awards ($3,000 to $4,000)
Gender Female
Open date Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Close date Friday, 15 April 2022
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura Second-Chance Education Study Awards Up to 28 x awards available Open 1 March to 15 April Awards advised June Awards made July/August There are two types of Second-Chance Education Awards: Foundation/Diploma Studies Awards ($1,000 - $1,400) Degree Study Awards ($3,000 to $4,000). Second-Chance Education Awards are for women who are engaging in tertiary education for the first time, at a Foundation Studies (NZQA level 3-4) or Diploma level (NZQA level 6), or Degree level (NZQA level 7), who do not already have a tertiary qualification, and have not previously received a New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura Award at that level of study. In all categories, the awards are a one off grant to help with study and/or living expenses.

This year there are Second-Chance Education awards targeting women studying: Business related Foundation or Diploma course at an Auckland institute, Information Technology related Foundation/Diploma course, Foundation/Diploma and Degree courses in Waikato and Bay of Plenty, Foundation/Diploma and Degree courses in Wellington, Foundation/Diploma and Degree courses in Otago/Southland, Degree courses in Auckland, Foundation/Diploma and Degree courses in Nelson/Marlborough, Foundation/Diploma and Degree courses (open location), and for a woman who is over 40 and studying for the first time, Courses relating to industries where women are under represented. You may be eligible for more than one award and you can apply for more than one type of award, though only one award will be given to a successful applicant.

How To Apply

Apply online from 1 March 2021 to 15 April

What you receive

Foundation/Diploma Studies Awards ($1,000 - $1,400) Degree Study Awards ($3,000 to $4,000)

Entry requirements

To apply for a Foundation/Diploma Study Award you must meet all the following eligibility criteria: The applicant is a woman, who: Is enrolled in a NZ approved tertiary qualification Is studying for the FIRST TIME towards a Foundation Certificate NZQA (Levels 3-4,) that is at least one semester in duration OR, is studying for the FIRST TIME towards a Diploma of 1-2 years duration (NZQA levels 5-6) Does not already have a tertiary qualification at their proposed level of study Is a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ citizen or holds a resident class visa, and lives in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Has not previously received a NHWT:HK Award

When selecting awardees, the selection panel consider the following: Academic achievements, financial circumstances, personal circumstances and experience, use of funds, and ability to be a role model, especially for women.

To apply for a Degree Study Award you must meet all the following eligibility criteria: The applicant is a woman, who: Does not already have a degree
Is enrolled in an NZ approved tertiary qualifications Is studying at a degree level (NZQA qualification level 7) Has completed at least 30% or one full year (2 semesters) of the programme Is a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ citizen or holds a resident class visa Lives in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Has not previously received an NHWT: HK Award (at this level of study)

When selecting awardees, the selection panel consider the following: Academic achievements, financial circumstances, personal circumstances and experience, use of funds, and ability to be a role model, especially for women.