This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Aotearoa Scholarship Trust

Scholarship details

Aotearoa Scholarship Trust
Value 3000.00
Close date Thursday, 31 December 2020
Enrolment status Full-time
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Aotearoa Scholarship Trust has been offering scholarships since 2012, with recipients coming from all walks of life. Some have just completed school and are beginning the next phase of their learning journey, while others are returning to study after a number of years to up-skill or pursue a new passion.

Our scholarships have supported tauira in many fields, including Maori Art, Te Reo, Social Services and Education. In all cases our scholarship recipients have demonstrated a commitment to educational success and a desire to want to give back to their communities and whanau.

The kaupapa of ‘giving back’ is also strongly evident in the contribution that was made by courageous leaders whose names we honour with these scholarships.