Year 13 Degree Study Scholarship
Scholarship details
About the scholarship
EIT is offering a limited number of Year 13 Degree ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.
The Year 13 Degree Scholarship covers one year of full-time study and is available to Hawke’s Bay, Tairawhiti (Gisborne) and Taupo based students who are beginning an undergraduate degree in 2020.
NOTE: ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ for the Bachelor of Maori Visual Arts (Te Toi o Nga Rangi), the Bachelor of Viticulture, the Bachelor of Wine Science and the Viticulture/Wine Science concurrent degree are open to students nation-wide.
For students who qualify to have their first year paid for under the government fees-free policy the Year 13 Degree Scholarship will cover the second year of the undergraduate degree (please see eligibility criteria below). You can visit to find out more about the first-year free government policy.
How To Apply
How to apply
You must apply for your Year 13 Degree Scholarship prior to the start of the first year of your degree. Applications close on 21 October each year in Hawke’s Bay, and the 29 October in Tairawhiti. Some programmes may allow late application, however this is an exception. As well as completing your EIT enrolment, you need to complete the Year 13 Degree Scholarship application form You will need to provide the following along with your application: A cover letter which expresses your motivation for working in your chosen study area (minimum 250 words) A letter of endorsement from your high school (excluding Bachelor of Teaching applicants) Any additional letters or references requested in your application pack or that you would like to include to support you application
What you receive
Cost of tuition fees for one year of degree study.
Entry requirements
To be eligible for an EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship applicants must:
be a 2019 Year 13 graduate from a secondary school in the Hawke’s Bay or Gisborne regions – from Hicks Bay to Dannevirke or be a 2019 Year 13 graduate from any secondary school in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ and be planning to study the Bachelor of Maori Visual Arts (Te Toi o Nga Rangi), the Bachelor of Viticulture, the Bachelor of Wine Science or the Viticulture/Wine Science concurrent degree at EIT. Meet the degree entry criteria and be accepted to undertake full-time degree study at EIT in February 2020 be a NZ citizen or permanent resident. Students who receive government fees-free in year one must also:
pass at least 75% of their courses and undertake their second year of full-time degree study at EIT in February 2021 and Meet all programme requirements for advancement to the second year of their degree