This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

L.A. Alexander Trust Bursary
Value $10,000.00
Length 1 year
Close date Sunday, 28 February 2021

About the scholarship

This Bursary provides a grant to tertiary students who meet the criteria below. The grant may be up to 50% of course fees for any given year. Students may make application for a Bursary in each year of study. The John McIntyre Memorial Scholarship of up to $10,000 and The Kathleen Corlett Memorial Scholarship, of up to $1,000 may also be awarded annually to a student selected from among the applicants, at the discretion of the Trustees.

How To Apply

Complete the application form on the next page and attach the following supporting documents:

  1. A certified copy of documentation to support your eligibility for this Bursary • Either a birth certificate or a school report/reference as proof that you were either born or educated in the Taranaki/Waverley region. • This is not required if you have received a previous bursary from the Trust.
  2. A letter of intent • Include details of your course of study, why you have chosen it, and any other relevant information in support your application.
  3. A certified copy of your previous year’s courses/subjects showing results achieved.
  4. A certified copy of documentation showing the course(s) you will be studying during the year.
  5. A confirmation of enrolment from your current education provider. Post your completed application form and supporting documents to: The Secretary, L.A. Alexander Agricultural College Trust Board, PO Box 69, New Plymouth 4340 Or email your scanned application form and certified supporting documents to: [email protected]

What you receive

Grant of up to 50% of course fees for any given year. The John McIntyre Memorial Scholarship of up to $10,000 and The Kathleen Corlett Memorial Scholarship, of up to $1,000 may also be awarded annually to a student selected from among the applicants, at the discretion of the Trustees.

Entry requirements

The Trustees may grant financial assistance to tertiary students who were born, educated or are being educated in the Taranaki/Waverley area, to enable them to undergo tertiary education in all, or any, of the fields of agriculture, horticulture, forestry and all types and purposes of farming and related fields.