The Polish Charitable and Educational Trust
Scholarship details
Study levels | Bachelor's degree and higher |
Value | $1,500 |
Length | 6 months |
Close date | Wednesday, 30 September 2020 |
Ethnicities | Polish |
About the scholarship
The Polish Charitable and Educational Trust was set up in the 1980's with a fund bequeathed by Mrs Józefa Konieczna, a post-war migrant from Poland to ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. Two further bequests were later added to the fund. The objectives of the Trust are, among others, to support by non-repayable grants any students who are of Polish ancestry, through either side of parents or grandparents or great grandparents, towards fees or purchase of books as requested by any tertiary education institution in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. To determine the eligibility of each applicant and the extent of support awarded, the Trustees consider the evidence of their ancestry and academic achievement, as well as other criteria, most notably the extent of the applicant's interest and involvement in matters promoting Polish language, culture and benefitting the Polish community in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.
How To Apply
- Download the Cat B application form.
- Fill out the form, making sure to answer all questions.
- Attach all required documents, including:
- Receipt for the course fees (Note: An invoice is not a receipt and neither is the printout from your StudyLink. You need to get the receipt from the Registrar, if you haven't received it while enrolling.)
- Any other receipts, e.g. for textbooks, if applicable
- Proof of your Polish descent
- Reference letters Post or email to the Polish Charitable and Educational Trust.
What you receive
There is no set value of the scholarship. The amount distributed each round is the interest earned by the Trust on the principal fund held in trust, which will vary depending on current interest rates. Individual amounts awarded will also vary depending on the number of applications received and assessed by the Trustees to have met the criteria. The Trust's approach is to contribute towards all successful applications, rather than provide one full scholarship. Depending on the quality of the application, the amount awarded will typically be a few hundred dollars, up to about $1,500 per year. For students who have taken out a student loan, this is payable directly to their IRD account, for those who fund their studies from own savings, the grant can be paid to their personal account.
Entry requirements
To determine the eligibility of each applicant and the extent of support the Trustees may consider the following criteria: a) The extent of the applicant's interest and involvement in matters promoting Polish language, culture and benefitting the Polish community in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ; b) The suitability of the applicant for the proposed course of study; c) The past scholastic record of the applicant; d) The financial status and/or needs of the applicant; e) Other relevant factors at the Trustees' sole discretion.