This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

Diverse Gender Scholarship
Value $2,000 toward course costs for full time study, $1,000 for part time

About the scholarship

The Diverse Gender Scholarship encourages and supports diverse gender students to pursue tertiary education at Unitec.

How To Apply

*In your application, tell us how this scholarship and hosting would contribute to your success at Unitec. *Provide contact for a referee who could tell us how this scholarship would benefit you.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for a Diverse Gender scholarship you will need to:

*be studying in a programme at least a year long (i.e. over two semesters) either full-time or part-time at Unitec *be a domestic student *identify as diverse gender

*For the purposes of this scholarship Diverse Gender includes tangata ira tane, FtM, MtF, transsexual, fa'afafine, transgender, whakawahine, transmen, transwomen, akava'ine, leiti, intersex, genderqueer and gender-neutral people.