This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Dame Dorothy Winstone Doctoral Completion Award

by Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Scholarship details

Dame Dorothy Winstone Doctoral Completion Award
Study levels PhD
Value $16,000
Length Varies
Close date Monday, 19 November 2018
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

One award to assist a woman graduate who will have completed a minimum of 3 years full-time, or six years part-time study towards a PhD or named Doctorate to have one semester free of teaching or administrative duties to facilitate completion of her PhD or named Doctorate qualification.

How To Apply

Application forms for these awards are available from: Enquiries to: Katrina Ford [email protected]

Please send your completed application by: Email attachment plus scanned copies of 4 b), c) and d) above to: [email protected];

Or by post to: First Year Doctoral Awards The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Private Bag 93208 Parnell Auckland 1151;

Or hand deliver to: Academic Dress Hire, 17 George Street, Parnell.

Entry requirements

  1. Applicants for this award must: a) be women; b) be ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ citizens or Permanent Residents; c) provide evidence of PhD enrolment at an Auckland research Institute and have access to the infrastructural support needed for her research degree. d) To comply with the full-time study requirements the amount of additional and paid work that an Awardee may undertake either inside or outside the University shall not exceed the pro-rata equivalent of 10 hours per week.