AUT Vice Chancellor's Doctoral ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
Scholarship details
Study levels | PhD |
Value | An annual stipend of NZ$25,000 per annum |
Length | All AUT PhD scholarships are tenable for up to three years. Support for a Professional Doctorate will be for up to two years only. |
About the scholarship
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) offers Vice Chancellor's Doctoral ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ in order to attract highly achieving doctoral research students to AUT and to encourage and stimulate doctoral studies in areas that enhance the University's research capability. From 2019 AUT will offer two categories of AUT ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. AUT Vice Chancellor's ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ are available only to: a. New doctoral applicants with a GPA of 8.0 or above in their most recent qualifying programme will be guaranteed a scholarship provided the qualifying programme was completed at a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ university and they meet the additional conditions below; or b. New Maori and domestic Pacific doctoral applicants with a GPA of 7.5 or above, from their most recent qualifying programme will be guaranteed a scholarship provided the qualifying programme was completed at a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ university and they meet the additional conditions below. Applicants applying under b) must be citizens or permanent residents of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. All other applicants must apply for an AUT Doctoral Scholarship.
How To Apply
Application is through the AUT online scholarship application portal available from the link abaove. It is not possible to submit incomplete scholarship applications through the online application process. In order for the application to be submitted applicants must complete all sections and request the required support statements. Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the selection panel. The following will need to be uploaded and submitted with the on-line Application Form: • Academic transcript(s) for any previous tertiary study that was completed at a university other than AUT • A brief C.V. (maximum three pages) • A two page proposal outlining the intended research using the template provided with the online application form. The applicant will be asked to provide the following details: - Proposed Topic/Title - Rationale and significance of the study - Key Question/hypothesis/problem/issue to be Investigated: - Design of the study; the methodology and research technique(s) to be employed in the study - Research benefits - References Note: the proposal must be two pages only (1,000 words) plus a maximum of one page for any references. If a longer document is provided you will be asked to revise the document to meet the requirements. Reference statements: Two academic reference statements are required for all applicants other than those whose qualifying programme was completed at AUT. AUT applicants will be required to provide one referee only. Applicants must not submit referee’s reports directly; nominated referees will be sent a request directly from the On-line application system. Please advise your referees that they will be receiving an email requesting a reference statement. Reference statements must be submitted by the closing date or the application will be deemed ineligible. If the referee declines to provide a reference the applicant will have the opportunity to nominate another referee. Applicants can submit the application without referees’ statements. However, the application will be considered ineligible and will not be released to selection panels without the required reference statements. Complete applications for AUT Vice Chancellor’s Doctoral ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ will be forwarded to the Faculty’s Associate Dean Postgraduate who will then recommend the awarding of a scholarship under this category if appropriate. The award of a scholarship will be ratified by the Chair of the AUT ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Committee (or nominee).
Entry requirements
The applicant’s proposed field of study must be one where the University can offer supervision. Applicants should contact potential supervisors prior to application to confirm the availability of supervision for their proposed research. Professional Doctorate candidates may apply at the time of submission of the PGR9. New doctoral applicants with a GPA of 8.0 or above in their most recent qualifying programme will be guaranteed a scholarship provided the qualifying programme was completed at a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ university and they meet the additional conditions below; or New Maori and domestic Pacific doctoral applicants with a GPA of 7.5 or above, from their most recent qualifying programme will be guaranteed a scholarship provided the qualifying programme was completed at a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ university and they meet the additional conditions below. Applicants applying under b) must be citizens or permanent residents of ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ. The following additional conditions apply to be eligible for an AUT Vice Chancellors Scholarship. - Applicants must have an unconditional Offer of Place in the doctoral programme. - Applicants must enrol into the Doctoral programme within three months of the offer of scholarship. - In 2018 consideration will be given to applicants who have enrolled into the Doctoral programme between 1 November and 31 December, 2017 and who meet all other criteria. NB: the GPA for AUT Doctoral scholarships will be calculated using the AUT method outlined in the document available from the webpage All applicants must meet English language proficiency requirements as stated in the Academic Calendar ( at the time of application. All applicants must meet the normal admission criteria for the doctoral programme.