Rona Scholarship
Scholarship details
Study levels | Undergraduate, Graduate |
Value | $10,000 |
Length | One year. |
Ethnicities | Māori |
About the scholarship
Te Putea Whakatupu Trust was established to promote Maori education, training, and research. It achieves this by holding and managing the Trust Fund made available for these purposes. Te Putea Whakatupu Trust exists to support and accelerate Maori social and economic development by providing strategic leadership in education, skills, and workforce development. It has two strategic priorities: 1. higher levels of educational achievement amongst Maori; and 2. higher levels of workforce participation by Maori in key sectors of the economy. The second priority has a focus on lifting the level of Maori participation in middle and senior management capability in a range of industries, including fisheries. The Trust is concerned to ensure the potential of the Post Treaty Settlement Era is maximised by leveraging capacity and capability building to support greater Maori control and involvement in decision making in Maori industry futures. It is envisaged that the recipients of this scholarship will be committed to the future economic and social development of Maori, iwi, hapu and whanau.
How To Apply
- Download a copy of a PDF version of the Application Form attached and print it out OR download the Microsoft Word version and fill out as much as possible before printing and completing. 2. Submit the Application Form in one of the two (or both) formats: a)as a scanned document, with your photo, academic transcript and Personal Statement/Essay as separate attachments (scanned PDF or in other formats). b)as a hard copy in the mail with hard copy attachments. 3. If you face delays gaining Whakapapa certification, Tertiary Institution confirmation or a reference from your Kaumatua, etc , please feel free to scan and email through the incomplete application in the meantime, then provide the full application once available.
Entry requirements
These scholarships are available to full-time Maori undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ tertiary institute in 2017 in a fisheries, aquaculture or marine sciences degree. Preference will be given to those students who: are in their last year or second to last year of study towards their degree; have proven academic merit; have proven research experience; are involved in research with direct relevance and/or application to fisheries and aquaculture industries; demonstrate a commitment to tikanga Maori ante reo Maori; demonstrate a commitment to working in the seafood industry; and are interested in building personal skills and expertise to support Maori economic and social development.