This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Award

by New Horizons for Women Trust (NHWT)

Scholarship details

Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Award
Value Up to $5,000
Length One year.
Close date Friday, 12 April 2019
Ethnicities Pasifika/Pacific

About the scholarship

The Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Award is sponsored by Anau Ako Pasifika as a tribute to the life of Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan (Poko). Poko had an outstanding career, being involved in developing policies to benefit Pacific communities and advocating for women's leadership issues. Her contribution to education, women's and children's issues was recognised with a QSM for service to her community in 1986 and in 1990 she received a Fullbright scholarship to study overseas. The Award is provided by a donation from the trustees of the Anau Ako Pasifka Incorporated. It is valued up to $5,000 in any one year and is available to a woman or group of women who identify as Pacific ethnicity, and who are involved in early childhood education services. Applicants may make multiple applications for the same innovation in subsequent years. The purpose of the Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Award is to advance Pacific early childhood education services. Early childhood education refers to both informal and formal pre-school teaching of young children by people outside the family or in settings outside the home.

How To Apply

A completed online application form Proposed budget Brief CV for applicant or key contact for the group Letter of support from the ‘host’ early childhood education service Letter of support from a Pacific community representative

Entry requirements

When selecting awardees, the selection panel considers the following:

  • The relevance of the innovation to the purpose of the award
  • Schedule and evidence of progress and sustainability
  • Budget and evidence of financial need
  • Experience of the applicant(s), particularly their capability to achieve the purpose of the innovation and collaborate with the Pacific community
  • Benefit to the advancement of Pacific early childhood education services and/or Pacific pre-schoolers in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ.