This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

The Jumpstart Scholarship

by TPT Group,Lifewise,Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

Scholarship details

The Jumpstart Scholarship
Study levels Bachelor's Degree
Value Up to a $5,000
Length The scholarship will initially be up to one year of full-time study or, if less than one year, for the duration of the programme. For a programme of less than 120pts (Full-time academic year) the $5,000 award may be pro-rata.

About the scholarship

This scholarship is generously donated by the TPT Group. TPT Group was formed in 1999 and has a proven track record of successfully integrating and establishing businesses, providing the right experience, structure and resources, to facilitate growth. TPT Group is already involved with AUT by supporting the Advanced Security Group Bachelor of Business Scholarship. TPT Group has social conscience and support a number of community initiatives including Lifewise a not-for-profit community and social development agency that provides critical services to vulnerable and at-risk people of all ages. TPT, Lifewise and Auckland University of Technology (AUT) will partner to support a student, in the age range of 17-24-year-old who has experienced homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or have a serious housing need to receive a university education.

How To Apply

This scholarship is by nomination only. Lifewise, in consultation with AUT and TPT Group, will award the scholarship based on the eligiblity criteria.

Entry requirements

? Acceptance into a programme of study at AUT. ? If the nominee hasn’t achieved University Entrance or doesn’t meet the academic entry requirements for a bachelor’s degree or needs to build confidence before starting a bachelor’s degree they will be encouraged to follow a Foundation Study Pathway, supported by this scholarship.