This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

High Performance Sports Academy Scholarship

by Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

Scholarship details

High Performance Sports Academy Scholarship
Value Up to five High Performance Sports Academy ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ are available to students studying a Toi Ohomai course in 2019, which will cover up to one full year of course fees; or alternatively, if the scholarship recipient is eligible for a NZ government fees free subsidy, a study grant to the value of $5,000 will be paid directly to the recipient. In addition, scholarship recipients will have free access to sport and fitness facilities on campus, as well as access to a high performance manager who can provide academic, sporting, and lifestyle support. Recipients are also allocated ten hours per annum access to sports support services, such as sports science testing. They will also receive a High Performance Sports Academy kit, consisting of a tracksuit and t-shirt.
Close date Friday, 26 October 2018
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (Toi Ohomai) High Performance Sports Academy Scholarship programme aims to support students to achieve high academic results in the course of their choice, whilst pursuing excellence in their sporting code.

Entry requirements

Open to all current and prospective students who are intending to study at Toi Ohomai in 2019. Open to ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ citizens and permanent residents only.

Open to students participating in a sport that is recognised on the Sport ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ list of national sports organisations.

Existing scholarship students and Pathway to Podium athletes are encouraged to apply.