This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

Toi Ohomai Secondary School Leavers Award
Study levels Entrance/School Leaver
Value This is a one-off scholarship to assist applicants in their first year of study to assist with learning resources, and/or fees.
Open date Thursday, 1 August 2024
Close date Monday, 30 September 2024
Enrolment status Full-time
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

This scholarship encourages local school leavers to pursue a vocational qualification with Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and financially assists with their first full year of tertiary study.

Entry requirements


  • Applicants will need to have applied and met the entry criteria for their chosen programme of study at the time of applying for this scholarship;
  • Applications are open to ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ citizens and permanent residents only;
  • Applicants must be nominated by their secondary school located within the Toi Ohomai Bay of Plenty and South Waikato regions;
  • Successful applicants at the time of scholarship payment must be fully enrolled in a full-time one-year (minimum) course and attending and progressing well academically


The criteria for selecting scholarship recipients are based on the following:

Demonstrated leadership potential

Demonstrable leadership experience within the school environment. This may be formal, as a member of a school committee of some type (e.g. student representative, sports team), or informally as a person of positive influence upon their peers using their values and behaviours.

Cultural/sporting/academic achievement

Demonstrable ability to apply themselves, and excel, in a challenging academic environment; and/or demonstrable talent in any form of cultural or sporting achievement.

Contribution to school/community

Demonstrable commitment to their school and/or community. This includes community groups, associations, organisations, Iwi, Hapu and/or Marae work. This may also include contributions to church, youth groups, clubs, volunteer work and so on.

Study/financial need

An applicant demonstrates academic ability, as above, and is subject to economic hardship that may limit their access to the learning resources needed to study at Toi Ohomai.