This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

NERF (Nursing Education and Research Foundation) Undergraduate Scholarship

by NZ Nurses Organisation (NZNO)

Scholarship details

NERF (Nursing Education and Research Foundation) Undergraduate Scholarship
Value Approximately $1500.
Close date Sunday, 30 June 2019
Ethnicities Māori, Pasifika/Pacific

About the scholarship

To assist students of nursing/midwifery in studying to obtain professional qualifications eg Bachelor of Nursing or Nurse Assistant Course.

How To Apply

please use link below or contacts below to obtain a formApplicants must have successfully completed year two of their programme if a bachelor of nursing//midwifery student or the first year of an enrolled nurse programme.

Entry requirements

The following scholarships offering up to $1,500 per scholarship will be made available:

  1. Maori student of nursing

  2. Pacific student of nursing

  3. Mature student of nursing (aged over 30)

  4. Student of nursing (aged under 25)

  5. Student of enrolled nursing

  6. 5 general awards open to all students of nursing