This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

CORE Education Māori Grants

by CORE Education

Scholarship details

CORE Education Māori Grants
Close date Saturday, 1 September 2018
Ethnicities Māori

Entry requirements

Applicants for these grants may be either:

*Maori students/individuals applying for financial support, to assist them to participate in an educational activity or innovation, that enhances their educational success. *Whanau, hapu, iwi, individuals, organisations and communities that provide nurturing through kaitiakitanga initiatives or programmes, of our whenua, awa and moana. *Kura, schools, organisations or committees that hold events, which provide opportunities for Maori students to celebrate and showcase their cultural capabilities and distinctiveness. *Educators who wish to provide special initiatives that enhance learning opportunities for Maori students, whanau, hapu and iwi. *Maori educators or students who wish to attend an event, course or conference that enhances or expands their: *Matauranga Maori understanding, knowledge or practice; *Pedagogical understanding of future focused learning.