This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Ngāti Koata Scholarship/Education and General Grant

by Ngāti Koata Trust

Scholarship details

Ngāti Koata Scholarship/Education and General Grant
Value Up to $1000 or more, to be determined by Ngati Koata Trust

About the scholarship

Ngati Koata Trust is the representative body of the Ngati Koata Iwi.

The Ngati Koata Group considers applications for formal academic, health and sports grants on a case by case basis and has discretion to approve such applications or not as the Ngati Koata Group see appropriate. Where the Ngati Koata Group approves financial assistance, the following will apply:

How To Apply

Download the Grant Application here.

Application must be accompanied by:

a. A record of academic achievement to date (if grant is for education)

b. A letter outlining your involvement with whanau, hapu

c. Vertification of fees and enrolment from your study provider or other associated costs (e.g. School Uniform, Fees), or if applying for sports/health then invoices or quotes for associated costs.

d. A bank verified deposit slip in applicants name.

Entry requirements

A full disclosure of your whakapapa back through your lineage to a known Ngati Koata Tupuna is required. You are asked to provide a copy of your birth certificate.