This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Lake Taupo Charitable Trust Education Grants

by Lake Taupo Forest Trust

Scholarship details

Lake Taupo Charitable Trust Education Grants
Study levels Tertiary

About the scholarship

To enhance Ngati Tuwharetoa economic development by providing education and training grants in fields of expertise that will benefit the tribe. Areas identified as requiring encouragement are forestry, cultural, finance management, education, science, health, agriculture and law.

How To Apply

The following applies to ALL applicants:

• Fully complete all parts of the application form;

• Read and complete course details section;

• Provide a printed bank account number from your bank;

• You are to provide photocopies of any attachments;

• Please do not include with your application bulky folders or photos

Entry requirements

• An owner or descendant of an owner

• Studying full-time or part-time on an NZQA course at an NZQA accredited Tertiary Institute.

for example: University, Polytechnic, Whare Wananga, Private Training Establishment & other.

This does not include Secondary School.

• To advise Tuwharetoa hapu affiliation

• Focus and commitment to studies and aims.