This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Zonta Club of South Auckland Study Award

by Zonta Club of South Auckland

Scholarship details

Zonta Club of South Auckland Study Award
Value Up to $5000
Close date Friday, 17 August 2018

About the scholarship

The Zonta Club of South Auckland Study Award 20176 of up to $5,000 is offered to a woman aged 25 to 45 years to assist in furthering her education.

How To Apply

Please email applications to: Ms Rachel Mollet, [email protected]

Or Posted to: Dianne Maber

         163 Kaipara Rd


         Papakura 2582

Entry requirements

The course of study must be the FIRST post-secondary study undertaken by the applicant towards a professional or vocational qualification of any sort

Applicants must live in the region bounded by the Tamaki Estuary in the north and Pokeno in the south, excluding East Manukau.

Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and proof of enrolment and success in an ongoing course must be shown.

The application form must be filled out correctly with the checklist adhered too