This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Te Āti Hau Trust Education Grant/Scholarship

by Te Āti Hau Trust

Scholarship details

Te Āti Hau Trust Education Grant/Scholarship
Study levels Tertiary
Value Up to $3000
Close date Sunday, 29 September 2019

About the scholarship

Supporting Education is a primary objective of the Te Ati Hau Trust, outlined in the Trust's Deed.

To provide financial assistance for Atihau Shareholders and their beneficiaries pursuing tertiary studies at any fully credited Tertiary Institute.

How To Apply

Organisation: Te Ati Hau Trust

Po Box 4035

City: Whanganui

Phone: (06) 348 7213

Email: [email protected]


Entry requirements

Applicants must be a beneficiary or shareholder of Te Ati Hau Trust.

You will need to get the person from whom you descend who is an Atihau-Whanganui shareholder to verify your relationship.

If you are a beneficiary of a Trust or Estate that holds shares in Atihau-Whanganui Incorporation you will need to get one of the Trustees or Administrators to verify your status.