This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Kitchener Memorial Scholarship

by Kitchener Memorial Scholarship Fund,Universities ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ – Te Pōkai Tara

Scholarship details

Kitchener Memorial Scholarship
Study levels Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate
Value $500
Length One year
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Saturday, 1 December 2018

About the scholarship

The Kitchener Memorial Scholarship fund offers scholarships to past or present members of the Armed Forces or their children

How To Apply

Candidates should complete an application using the Universities NZ online scholarships application form: Community Force Regulations

Entry requirements

Applicants must be:

  1. past or present members of the Armed Forces or children of past or present members of the Armed Forces who have seen active service and who, at the time of enlistment, were domiciled in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ, whether actually resident there or not; or
  2. past or present members of the Armed Forces or children of past or present members of the Armed Forces to whom the above does not apply; or
  3. persons resident in ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ for a period of not less than three years immediately before the award of the scholarship.