This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Hugh Williams Memorial Scholarship

by Ravensdown

Scholarship details

Hugh Williams Memorial Scholarship
Study levels Undergraduate
Value $5,000 per annum, for up to 3 years
Length up to a maximum of three years
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Saturday, 1 December 2018

About the scholarship

To commemorate the service and dedication of Hugh Williams, who died in a farm accident on 19 May 2000, Ravensdown (also a fertiliser company) and the Williams family have established a memorial scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded per year and the successful applicant will receive $5000 for each year of study. In addition the recipient will be offered the opportunity of paid holiday work at Ravensdown. This scholarship is intended to encourage undergraduate study in an agricultural or horticultural degree and will be open to the sons or daughters of Ravensdown shareholders who are intending to undertake full time undergraduate study at Massey University.

Entry requirements

Open to children of Ravensdown shareholders to undertake an agricultural or horticultural degree at either Lincoln, Waikato, or Massey University.