This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Robert Gibson Methodist Trust Board Bursaries and Student Grants

by Robert Gibson Methodist Trust

Scholarship details

Robert Gibson Methodist Trust Board Bursaries and Student Grants
Value $750 to $2,000 each
Length Not specified.
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Tuesday, 20 November 2018

About the scholarship

Mr Robert Gibson, farmer of Manaia, Taranaki, bequested his farm to be run as a Charitable Trust

How To Apply

All applications should contain exam results and reports. However end of year results can be forwarded when they are available.

Entry requirements

The Trust's Constitution requires that preference be given to orphans, & to Methodist or Presbyterian students who desire to follow an agricultural course. Nevertheless, assistance from the Trust is not necessarily restricted to those groups.

The Trust seeks applications from students with potential, who, because of financial circumstances, may not be able to undertake or continue tertiary education.

*The age limit for first time applicants is 25 years and two character references must be attached. The Board prefers that one reference be from a minister of religion.