This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Scholarship details

Mavis Tuoro Scholarship
Study levels Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Value $6,000 contribution towards fees
Length The tenure of this scholarship is for one year. • Current recipients may apply for renewal for up to a total of three years but must submit a new application by the closing date each year. Attachments and the reference statement are not required for renewal.
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Monday, 1 November 2021
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

The Mavis Tuoro Scholarship was established in 1998 to acknowledge the contribution of Mavis Tuoro to Te Ara Poutama. The scholarship is to encourage Maori scholarship in English or Te Reo Máori at AUT University.

The scholarship is to encourage Maori scholarship in English or Te Reo Maori at AUT University within Te Ara Poutama.

How To Apply

Application for this scholarship is through the AUT on-line scholarship application system this will be available from September of the year of application. Applicants will be asked to upload: • An official transcript of the applicant’s academic results in the current and preceding year unless the study was attempted through AUT. • A 1,000 word typed essay in Te Reo Maori in referencing career paths, future goals and educational aspirations and leadership capability. • Applicants will be asked to nominate through the online system one referee who can speak in support of the applicant’s leadership ability.

Entry requirements

• Applicants must have been accepted onto full-time study for a certificate, diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme within Te Ara Poutama. • Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents. • Applicants must request a referee’s statement supporting their leadership from a community leader, group, organisation or school.