This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

First Year Doctoral Awards

by Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Scholarship details

First Year Doctoral Awards
Study levels Graduate
Value of $11,000
Length will be available once a year .
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Monday, 8 April 2019
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

Applicants this Award must be: a) women; b) ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Citizens or Permanent Residents; c) Provide evidence of PhD enrolment at an Auckland research Institute and have access to the infrastructural support needed for her research degree; d) To comply with the full-time study requirement of the Award, the amount of additional and paid work an Awardee may undertake either inside or outside the University shall not exceed a total of 500 hours in the year of the Award.

How To Apply

Each applicant for these awards must submit her application on the current prescribed application form and must include: a) An outline of the research being undertaken; b) A verification statement from the Head of Department/Dean (as appropriate) as proof of enrolment; c) A certified copy of evidence of status as a ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Citizen or Permanent Resident; d) A certified copy or Statutory Declaration of up to date academic record; e) Confirmation that confidential references have been sought from two referees, one of whom must be the applicant’s Doctoral supervisor.

Entry requirements

Applicants this Award must be: a) women; b) ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Citizens or Permanent Residents; c) Provide evidence of PhD enrolment at an Auckland research Institute and have access to the infrastructural support needed for her research degree; d) To comply with the full-time study requirement of the Award, the amount of additional and paid work an Awardee may undertake either inside or outside the University shall not exceed a total of 500 hours in the year of the Award.