This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Tongariro Natural History Society Memorial Award

by Tongariro Natural History Society

Scholarship details

Tongariro Natural History Society Memorial Award
Value originally up to $1000 but since 2002, up to $2000 as long as the society is in a position to fund the awards
Length One year.
Occurrence 1 year
Close date Sunday, 30 June 2019

About the scholarship

The award was established by the Society in memory of Keith Maurice Blumhardt, William Edward Cooper, Douglas Neil McKenzie, Derek Ian White and Marie Pauline Williams, who died on Mt Ruapehu while testing helicopter rescue equipment on 9 December 1982.

How To Apply

Applicants must apply by letter, forwarding details of their study and its objectives together with an estimate of how long the project will take to complete. They must also provide a detailed budget setting out the cost of all items.

Please contact Project Tongariro on [email protected] for more info and to apply.

Entry requirements

Groups and individuals who propose to study the flora and fauna, geology, vulcanology, weather or natural or human history of Tongariro National Park are eligible to apply.