This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

Ngati Manawa Iwi Education Scholarship (Academic - 3 Years)

by Ngāti Manawa Charitable Trust,Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa

Scholarship details

Ngati Manawa Iwi Education Scholarship (Academic - 3 Years)
Study levels Undergraduate
Value $15,000 - $5000 per year for three years.
Length Three year tenure. Successful students must maintain a B+ average
Occurrence 3 years
Close date Monday, 1 July 2019
Ethnicities Māori
Domestic/international Domestic Only

About the scholarship

This scholarship is funded by Ngati Manawa Charitable Trust in conjunction with Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa for the purpose of encouraging and financially supporting the successful pursuit of tertiary qualifications and leadership development for Ngati Manawa.

How To Apply

• Provide a personal statement introducing themselves to the Grants Committee and to include a commitment by the student to ‘give back’ to the iwi in the future, and to state how s/he might do that.

Entry requirements

• Be a registered beneficiary of Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa, Murupara. • Be an enrolled fulltime student of Victoria University of Wellington. • School Leavers will need a minimum NCEA rank score of 240 (obtained from study in Year 12) to qualify for consideration. This is equivalent to a CIE rank score of 300 or an IB predicted score of 32. Current Victoria students will require a B+ average, • Display a positive contribution in other areas of university, community or iwi life. For example, taking up leadership roles, in sport, business and innovation, cultural, music and the arts, the environment and te reo Maori, matauranga Maori me ona ahuatanga katoa.) • Successful students must maintain a B+ average.