This scholarship has closed - for the next intake

The Sir Hugh Kawharu Masters Scholarship for Innovation in Science

by Sir Hugh Kawharu Foundation

Scholarship details

The Sir Hugh Kawharu Masters Scholarship for Innovation in Science
Study levels Master's degree
Value $10,000
Length Up to two years
Close date Saturday, 1 September 2018
Ethnicities Māori

About the scholarship

One of the core objectives of the Sir Hugh Kawharu Foundation is to support emerging Maori leadership, including in the sciences. For further information about the Foundation and its objectives, see The purpose of the Scholarship is to support and encourage masters level study by Maori in the sciences. The Scholarship is applicable across a broad range of science disciplines including the physical, mathematical and computational, earth, environment, marine, social, health, biological, biomedical, human, and behavioural sciences.

How To Apply

Applications: Applications should be made using the form set out below. The closing date for applications for the 2017 academic year was 9 September 2016. Applications should be typed. Please follow the instructions on the form carefully.

Entry requirements

Consistent with the Foundation’s objectives, applicants will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: • academic excellence and the potential to succeed in the chosen area of study; • leadership ability and integrity, including the respect of peers; and • potential contribution of the field of science to Maori social and/or economic development. In addition, the Scholarship is: • for full-time enrolment in a one or two year masters degree in a science discipline; and • tenable by persons of Maori descent and applicants should be able to explain their tribal connections.