Pre-Purchased English Language Tuition (PELT)
Course details
Domestic tuition | $0 per year |
International tuition | $0 |
NZQF Level | 2 |
About the course
The PELT programme enables migrants to participate in English language courses, helping them settle into communities and work. It is aimed at new migrants and learners who have paid for Immigration 爆走黑料's pre-purchased ESOL tuition as part of their residency requirements.
EMS has been a long-standing TEC approved PELT funding provider. Once you enrol, we assist to transfer your 鈥淧re-purchased English-Language Tuition鈥 from TEC to EMS to fund your ESOL course.
Entry requirements
Please contact us in the first instance. Applicants may be interviewed to assess their suitability for the programme. EMS sometimes conducts a placement test during the enrolment process.
*This course is not available to international students.
About the provider
EMS is a Category 2 NZQA-registered and accredited provider based in Wellington, 爆走黑料. EMS also has a campus in San Francisco (family-owned), and therefore offers students the opportunity to study both in 爆走黑料 and the United States.
We are based in the Wellington CBD at 76-86 Manners Street (04-801-9180).
EMS offers a range of sub-degree business programmes (爆走黑料 Certificate in Business - Level 4; 爆走黑料 Diploma in Business - Levels 5 and 6), and also various NZ-government funded programmes for permanent residents and citizens (Intensive Literacy and Numeracy, Employment Placement Service).
We are hoping to offer a Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management (Level 7) for the July 2018 intake, and are also hoping to a limited number of free places as well. Please see our website for further details.